February 23, 2025

County Administrator Todd Mohn Wraps Up the July 9th QAC Commissioners’ Meeting

The July 9th regular meeting started at 5:30 pm. No closed session this week.

Action Items

Item #

1. Refunding Bonds of 2019 – Resolution 19-19 authorizing the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds for the purpose of refunding the County’s Public Facilities bonds of 2009. – This resolution allows the County to refund $15.4 million in bonds issued in 2009 yielding a savings of approximately $1.7 million over 10-years. – APPROVED

* Director of Finance Jonathan Seeman explained that the bond could not be refinanced until after the 10th year of the 20 year term. The new bond carry the same payoff date as the old ones, which is in another 10 years.

2. Grant Support Letter – Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center grant support letter for Planning and Permitting Cost-Effective Use of Dredge Material to Enhance Costal Resilience of the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC). – This is for a $60,000 grant application that will develop plans for the future use of dredge spoils at CBEC the next time the Kent Narrows is channel is dredged. – APPROVED

3. Resiliency Planning & Financing for Maryland Counties – This is an invitation to participate in the University of Maryland’s Resiliency Planning and Financing project for Global Sustainability. There is no cost to the County other than staff time to assist in the development of a Climate Change Resilience Plan. This Plan will assist the County to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events, trends or disturbances related to climate. The Department of Planning and Zoning will be the lead agency for this project. The Plan will also put the County in a superior position to receive future grants for resiliency projects. – APPROVED

4. Broadband Feasibility Study RFP Recommendation – This is a contract award for the delivery of a Broadband Feasibility Study. The recommended firm is Columbia Telecommunications Company (CTC) for an amount of $75,000. Half of the cost for this study is funded with grant funds via the Department of Housing and Community Development. –APPROVED

5. Clean Chesapeake Coalition – FY 2020 Contribution to pay $17,000 for the County’s membership to the Clean Chesapeake Coalition. – The primary mission of this six-County Coalition is to continue active intervention in the pending FERC relicensing to advocate for conditions to improve downstream Bay water quality throughout the next license term (40 plus years) and to protect downstream efforts and expenditures in the name of Bay restoration, including support of Maryland’s water quality certification for the Conowingo Dam issued in April 2018. – APPROVED

6. Korean War Veteran’s Memorial Wall of Remembrance – This is a new donation request for the construction of a remembrance wall on the Mall in Washington DC to honor Korean War Veterans. We had six (6) Korean War Veteran’s identified from Queen Anne’s County: James R. Lister, Earl Nazelrod, William A. White, George V Wilson, Edward A. Lund and John F. Murry. The request was made to all Maryland Counties proportionately based on the number of veterans that served in each County. The request for Queen Anne’s is $2,460. – APPROVED

7. BOE recommendation for Mr. Sidney Pinder, Jr. to serve on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) – This is School Superintendent Dr. Kane’s recommendation to appoint Mr. Sidney Pinder, Jr. as the Board of Education’s representative on the PRAB to fill the vacancy left by Toni Schelts. – APPROVED


Item #

1. FEMA – Approval Letter for the Hazard Mitigation Plan

2. MDE – Phase III Engineering Plans & Specification Report for proposed

R.B. Baker & Sons No. 3 Rubble Landfill

3. Indivisible on the shore emergency alert regarding Off Shore Wind Projects off the coast of Ocean City

4. Maryland Commission on Climate Change

5. QAC Plumbing & HVAC Board minutes

6. Notification to Adjacent Property Owners – Khov’s (Four Seasons) Project Phases 3 & 4


Item #

I. Detention Center Update – Warden LaMonte Cooke

II. Department of Emergency Services Update – Director Scott Haas

III. IT Security Presentation – Megan DelGaudio, IT Manager

IV. Text 2 Stop It! – Alvin Butler – Approved to continue Text 2 Stop It!


Available to be voted on

County Ordinance 19-08 – the Repeal of Section 4-15, “Ownership Disclosure” of the Code of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne’s County – Approved 4-0 vote

County Ordinance 19-09 – Amendments to Chapter 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of the Queen Anne’s County Regarding the Use of School Bus Monitoring Cameras by School and Law Enforcement Officials – Approved 4-0 vote

County Ordinance 19-10 – Facts & Decision (to be adopted before adopting the Ordinance) – Approved/Adopted 4-0 vote

County Ordinance 19-10 – Concerning the Repeal and Re-Adoption with amendments of the Local Public Laws of Queen Anne’s County, Chapter 14, CHESAPEAKE BAY CRITICAL AREA ACT, Official Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Overlay Map Number 56 – Approved 4-0 vote

Available for Introduction

County Ordinance 19-13 – the Prohibition of the Release of Non-Biodegradable Balloons within Queen Anne’s County. – Introduced by Commissioner Chris Corchiarino, Public Hearing scheduled for August 13th.

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~ Queen Anne’s County