February 23, 2025

Tri-County Overdose Awareness Day Event in Wicomico County on Tuesday August 31st

International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. The event is organized on the understanding that no one should feel shame or disgrace over a drug overdose. Overdose Awareness Day offers all who have been affected by overdose a chance to publicly mourn and help the community understand that fatal overdose profoundly affects our society. The day also serves as a warning that not only illicit drugs can be dangerous and no one is immune to overdose.

With the number of fatalities from Fentanyl-laced street drugs and prescription drugs growing, August 31st is also a chance to see that medicines are not always our friends. Painkillers and other pharmacy drugs play an important medical role but taking them other than prescribed can have tragic long-term consequences. Participation in International Overdose Awareness Day is free and anyone wishing to be involved may do so. Our mission is to shed strength and hope, be proactive in an attempt to draw our community closer and dispel the stigma.

Come join us on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 from 6:30-8:30pm at the Winterplace Park, 6737 Blue Ribbon Road, Salisbury, MD 21804. You will join many in our community that have been touched by the devastation of substances. We do this to continue raising awareness against this heinous disease called addiction. The evening will include, but is not limited to, over 30 community partners participating and sharing resources, food and shaved ice, face painting, and a floating lantern ceremony. We will hear from people who have taken steps towards recovery and those who have lost a loved one to their battle. For additional information about the event at Winterplace Park, call 443-695-0548.

A Huge THANK YOU to our sponsor for making this event possible: Elks Salisbury 817, Wicomico Goes Purple, Worcester Goes Purple- Warriors Against Addiction, Inc, Sam’s Club, Walmart, Pepsi, and Pohanka. And to our in-kind sponsors: Froggy 99.9, Flannerys, Tiki Hut, Samantha’s Ink, Alfred Brewer with Accents Salon.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, please call the Wicomico County COAT program 24/7 at (443) 783-6875 or visit the Wicomico County Safe Station 24/7 located at 726 S. South Blvd, Salisbury MD (inside of the Recovery Resource Center). For more info, visit the Wicomico County Health Department’s website at www.wicomicohealth.org or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram (WicomicoHealth) or Twitter (@WicomicoHealth).

Individuals seeking support in Somerset County may call the 24/7 Peer Line at 443.410.3720, visit our Recovery and Wellness Center at 11674 Somerset Avenue, Princess Anne Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm or visit somersethealth.org to explore the numerous programs offered. You can also follow us on Facebook @SomersetHealth, Instagram (somersethealthmd) and Twitter (@somersethdmd). For additional opioid awareness resources, visit unmaskaddiction.org or facebook.com/unmaskaddiction.

Individuals seeking support in Worcester County may call the 24/7 Peer Warm Line at (844) 663-7337, go to our Safe Station at the15th St. Fire Department in Ocean City after hours, or visit WorcesterHealth.org to explore the numerous programs offered. You can also follow us on social media @WorcesterHealth.