March 31, 2025

James “Jim” DeMartino Confirmed by the National Toys for Tots Foundation to Head Nassau-DE LCO

Nassau-DE, the Local Campaign Organization of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of their new Coordinator. James “Jim” DeMartino has been confirmed by the national Toys for Tots foundation as replacement for Bob Davis, the outgoing head of Nassau-DE LCO. Bob, who led successful campaigns in 2019 and 2020 is leaving Delaware. Nassau-DE the local organization representing Toys for Tots in Sussex County is fortunate to have identified a successor like Jim to pick up where they left off and looks forward to his leadership in the 2021 drive.

James “Jim” DeMartino
James “Jim” DeMartino – Contributed Photo
Jim may be familiar to some of you. An eight-year resident of Lewes he is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, as well as a member and current office holder in the Marine Corps League Diamond State Detachment 704, supporters of Nassau-DE LCO. Jim is a practicing attorney on Maryland’s Eastern shore, following over 15 years of military service as a Judge Advocate, Intelligence Officer and Civil Affairs Officer.

Even with his longtime background in the Marine Corps, Jim’s experience with Toys for Tots began like everyone’s, donating toys at a local drop box at Christmastime. But he never realized the extent of the grassroots organizational structure and the thousands of dedicated volunteers required to make the national Marine Toys for Tots program a continuing success until he offered to serve at the Nassau-DE warehouse, sorting and packing toys.

Of that experience Jim says, “I want to thank Bob Davis and (Warehouse Lead) Tim Dyer for their direction, dedication and organizational ability to run Nassau-DE’s successful campaign supporting thousands of children throughout Sussex County. I also want to thank the many volunteers and generous donors that made previous years successful and ask for their continued support for our 2021 campaign.”