February 23, 2025

“Thank A Police Officer Day” Saturday, September 19th, 2020

“Thank A Police Officer Day” is a national observance honoring law enforcement on the 3rd Saturday in September. 2020 marks the fifth year volunteers will be visiting and thanking agencies across the Delmarva Peninsula as citizens, businesses and civic organizations come together to honor those who serve and protect.

We need your help. Contact us to “adopt” a local department, coordinate a day of thanks in your city or town during September 12th – 19th and join our online event. We offer printable images, ideas for ways to get involved and customized graphics for individual agencies which are free to download.

In addition, we ask local leaders and elected officials to share information about the date on their social media channels, officially recognize Thank A Police Officer Day in their town or city with a proclamation, and encourage participation among local residents.

We can’t think of a better time than now to thank the men and women who contribute so much to our community. For more information and to volunteer, contact Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement via email at delmarvablue@gmail.com, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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~ Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement