Talbot County Free Library Executive Director Dana Newman recently announced the appointment of Hudson Berry and Andrew Thaler to the library board of trustees for a four-year term beginning September, 2020.
Hudson BerryHudson Berry is a mission-driven project manager with a marketing and production background in entertainment and international finance. In the past, Berry has worked on major feature films at Warner Bros. and managed projects at the International Monetary Fund, and TBC, Inc., a full-service marketing and advertising agency and production studio. Having received a BA in Literature & Health Sector Policy and Management from the University of Miami, she has a deep passion for literature, particularly urban fiction. Berry serves on the board of The Groove Theatre Co. in Cambridge. She is actively engaged in neighborhood volunteerism and dedicated to improving equity as well as civic engagement. She is a frequent user of the library in Easton and currently works at Piazza Italian Market.
Andrew ThalerAndrew Thaler is the CEO of Blackbeard Biologic: Science and Environmental Advisors, an environmental consulting firm that focuses on providing policy, technology, and educational services across a variety of ocean related projects. Thaler’s work focuses on how humans use technology to interact with and experience the ocean. In addition, Thaler serves as adjunct faculty at both the University of Delaware and the Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland Horn Point Lab. Thaler’s interests in education and technology have led him to develop and implement 3D printer workshops and training programs, design do-it-yourself educational tools, and develop ocean STEM/STEAM programs. In the recent past, he has volunteered his expertise to develop hands-on activities for families at a number of the library’s annual STEM Festivals and has been training library staff to use the 3D printers which he recently helped to set-up at the St. Michaels branch. Thaler is a frequent user of the library in St. Michaels and lives in St. Michaels with his family.
“We are very pleased to welcome Hudson and Andrew to the board,” said Newman. “Their diverse experience and backgrounds as well as their passion for education and commitment to our community will be great assets. The board and staff look forward to working with them in the coming years.” Board President Susan Sherman added “The Talbot County Free Library Board of Trustees welcomes these two outstanding community volunteers and looks forward to working with them as our library continues to offer valuable programs and resources to all of our residents during these difficult and unpredictable times.”
Celebrating its 95th anniversary, Talbot County Free Library’s mission is to inspire the community to discover ideas and information to enrich and renew lives. Its trustees are a vital part of that mission. In order to promote diversity, Trustees are chosen to provide a wide demographic and geographical representation of Talbot County. While serving on a volunteer basis, they help to determine the mission of the library, assist with the development of the strategic plan, and set the policy that governs the library.
Additional information about the Talbot County Free Library and a full list of current trustees is available by visiting tcfl.org, emailing askus@tcfl.org, or by calling 410-822-1626.