Maryland State Fire Marshal Warns of Fictitious Online Fireworks Poster
This poster is simply fake and was produced without the authority of the Governor’s Office or the Office of the State Fire Marshal. We would not direct citizens on a specific time to be outside and recommend the latest CDC guidelines on how to properly socially distance. Due to complications of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing, many applicants have elected to not hold most outdoor displays, however, citizens are permitted to use legal fireworks in approved areas. Fireworks are PROHIBITED in Baltimore City, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Harford, and Howard Counties as well as Ocean City.
The Office of the State Fire Marshal is the lead agency on the regulation of explosives and fireworks in Maryland, and its duties include the issuance and renewal of licenses of firework shooters, explosive blasters, explosive manufacturing, and explosive sales throughout Maryland. The agency is also responsible for issuing a Permit for Fireworks Display once the applicant has met specific criteria. The Office of the State Fire Marshal will process any application which it receives and will grant approval upon meeting guidelines. Check the Maryland State Fire Marshal website at for listed public fireworks displays throughout the state.
For those individuals who insist on the use of consumer fireworks:
– Purchase the fireworks in the location where you intend to discharge them. Check with the local municipality to determine what fireworks are considered legal for use in that area.
– Read and follow label warnings and instructions.
– Do not allow small children to use fireworks.
– Do not consume alcoholic beverages while using fireworks.
– Have a bucket of water or hose available
– Fully extinguish remains of fireworks in water before disposal.
– Continue to exercise personal responsibility in order to keep ourselves, our family members, our neighbors, and our coworkers safe
“Fireworks have been a long tradition of the 4th of July holiday celebrations. Please make safety your number one priority so everyone can enjoy the holiday season.” adds the State Fire Marshal. “By acting responsibly, we can help eliminate fireworks injuries in Maryland.”
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~ MD State Fire Marshal