February 23, 2025

Consumer Advisory: Beware of COVID-19 insurance scams

​BALTIMORE – Maryland Insurance Commissioner Al Redmer, Jr. is warning consumers to watch for insurance scams related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reports of pandemic-related fraud are increasing around the country. People posing as insurance agents or as representatives of a company are marketing fake health, life and travel insurance products, mostly over the telephone, through email or over the internet. These scammers usually try to solicit private information from individuals such as bank account information or credit card numbers.

“Marylanders should be aware and vigilant about this kind of fraudulent activity, which tends to rise in times of public distress,” Redmer said.

Consumers should be aware that anyone claiming to offer COVID-19-specific coverage, telehealth-only coverage or guaranteed access to testing may be engaged in fraud.

The Maryland Insurance Administration maintains a database of all licensed insurance companies and professionals in the state. The information is public and can be accessed at https://insurance.maryland.gov/Consumer/Pages/CompanySearchInstructions.aspx.

Consumers are encouraged to report insurance fraud activities to the Maryland Insurance Administration’s Insurance Fraud Division. You need not give your name. Simply call our insurance fraud tip line at 1-800-846-4069 or print and submit the insurance fraud referral form by mail to the address below. Our fax number is: 410-347-5350. Consumers may also email fraud referrals by sending completed forms to fraud_referrals.mia@maryland.gov.

Maryland Insurance Administration
Attn: Maryland Insurance Fraud Division
200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700
Baltimore, MD 21202

Special Note: The Maryland Insurance Administration remains fully operational during the COVID-19 emergency. If you would like to file an insurance complaint, please use our online portal: https://enterprise.insurance.maryland.gov/consumer/ConsumerPortalWelcomePage.aspx

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~ Maryland Insurance Administration

The Maryland Insurance Administration is an independent State agency charged with regulating Maryland’s $28.5 billion insurance industry. For more information about the Insurance Administration, please visit www.insurance.maryland.gov or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MDInsuranceAdmin, Twitter at @MD_Insurance, LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/maryland-insurance-administration or Instagram at @marylandinsuranceadmin.