February 23, 2025

As many of us will be working on remembering to write 2020 on checks instead of 2019, there has been a post floating around on Social Media to not use the abbreviated “20” to represent the year 2020.

Doing a little research on the matter I have discovered that this is true. In this day Fraudsters are constantly looking for ways to your information for their gains. It seems that by simply writing “20” instead of 2020 fraudsters can potentially use that information for nefarious purposes.

One of the ways is that they could simply add any other two numbers to represent any year in the 21st century.

Here’s an example:
You sign a contract for the period from 2/1/20 through 4/1/20. Those “20’s” could be changed to drastically change the agreement. Worst case would be for it to be changed from February 1, 2000 to April 1, 2099.

So Yes, it sure seems to be best to complete the year.