January 22, 2025

Maryland Health Department Announces State Wide Diabetes Plan

Photo: The Chestertown Diabetes Support Group welcomed guest speakers Fletcher Johnson (left) of River Warrior Yoga and Maela Rider (center), state health insurance coordinator for Upper Shore Aging in Kent County.
The Chestertown Diabetes Support Group welcomed guest speakers Fletcher Johnson (left) of River Warrior Yoga and Maela Rider (center), state health insurance coordinator for Upper Shore Aging in Kent County. – Contributed Photo

Chestertown, Md. – On November 21, 2019 the Maryland Department of Health released its first-ever Diabetes Action Plan, including intervention strategies for health care providers, stakeholders and individuals. The plan was announced during a day-long education conference for 200 physicians and health care professionals at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor in Baltimore.
Latest statistics indicate that nearly 45 percent of the adult population in Maryland has diabetes or pre-diabetes, and that diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the state. According to the American Diabetes Association, medical expenses for diabetes and its complications in Maryland exceed $4.9 billion a year, with another $2 billion in lost productivity.

In Kent County, UM Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology provider Dr. Mehta Satyarengga sees patients at UM Shore Medical Pavilion in Chestertown. The Center offers monthly classes in Diabetes Self-Management in Chestertown for persons newly diagnosed with diabetes and a monthly support group meeting, led by diabetes nurse educator Chrissy Nelson, for diabetes patients and their partners/caregivers, meets at the hospital. “The support group is well-attended — we usually have a guest speaker who provides insights about diabetes care and managing the disease for optimal quality of life, or more general topics that relate to maintaining a healthy lifestyle,” says Nelson.

According to Trish Rosenberry, UM Shore Regional Health’s director of Clinical and Ambulatory Services, the UM Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology team of providers and diabetes nurse educators will work with the UM SRH Population Health team beginning in January 2020 to identify initiatives in progress that dovetail with the state plan and consider new strategies for the health care network in the areas of diabetes prevention, pre-diabetes management and diabetes treatment, as well as opportunities to collaborate with community partners and health departments to heighten public awareness.

To read MDH’s Diabetes Action Plan, visit health.maryland.gov/diabetes-action-plan. For information or to schedule an appointment with a UM Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology provider, call 410-822-1000, ext. 5757.


~ Chestertown Diabetes Support Group