February 23, 2025

Traffic Information from Centreville

Centreville MD Police Department

On Wednesday, 10/9/19, at approx. 9pm, the Town of Centreville will begin the change-over to return all travel lanes on Commerce, Liberty and Water Streets to pre-construction traffic patterns. That means when the change-over occurs and is complete:
• Commerce Street will be one way only to travel North;
• Liberty Street will be one way only to travel South;
• Water Street between Belvedere Ave. and Commerce Street will be one way only to travel East.

In preparation for the switch, citizens will notice that pavement striping on Commerce Street will begin as early as tomorrow morning, as well as traffic signal work and other related activities. Please plan for minor delays and additional work crews in the area in or near the road making necessary arrangements throughout the day leading up to the actual change-over.
Additionally, Centreville Police Officers will be stationed along the road to help facilitate traffic movement and to remind drivers of the new travel patterns. Please be patient as we work to return the roadways to ‘normal’ and please do not drive the wrong way on the streets.
This work and the change-over is weather dependent. The rain date is Thursday, 10/10/19.

Posted by Centreville Police on their Facebook Page