February 23, 2025

Prescription Medication Collection Site Set for Oxford Day

OXFORD – Talbot County Sheriff’s deputies will collect unused prescription medications from 9 a.m. until noon in Oxford Park on Oxford Day, April 27, 2019.

Deputy John Coleman will have a collection site set up at the Talbot Goes Purple (TGP) table in the park for the annual Oxford Day event. April 27 also is National Drug Take-Back Day, an annual collection event sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Unused or expired prescription medications pose a serious public safety issue – proper disposal helps prevent misuse and abuse and helps save lives.

“Overdoses have become the leading cause of accidental deaths in people younger than 50,” said Talbot County Sheriff Joe Gamble. “Many people who start using prescription painkillers recreationally get them from a family member or friend’s medicine cabinet, so proper
disposal really makes a difference.”

Along with drug disposal, the table will include information on the TGP initiative, a youth prevention program that is coming into its third year.

Last year in April, law enforcement agencies collected more than 474.5 tons of medications at more than 5,800 collection sites across the country.

In addition to this year’s take-back day initiative, a permanent, year-round, 24-hour a day, 7-days a week disposal box is located at the Talbot County Sheriff’s Office at 28712 Glebe Road, at the south end of the Talbot County Business Center.

Other disposal locations in the county include:
Maryland State Police Barrack at 7503 Ocean Gateway in Easton (24 hour);
Oxford Police Department at 101 Market St. in Oxford (weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.);
St. Michaels Police Department at 100 S. Fremont St. in St. Michaels (24 hour) and the
Talbot County Public Safety Center at 115 W. Dover St. in Easton (daily, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.).

For more information on National Take-Back Day visit www.takebackday.dea.gov. For information on Oxford Day, including schedules, visit www.oxfordday.org.

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~ Talbot Goes Purple