February 23, 2025

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Named to Maryland Green Registry

ST MICHAELS, MD – The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum has recently been accepted as a member of the Maryland Green Registry, a Maryland Department of the Environment sustainability program.

Serving as a clearinghouse of information and resources on environmental best management practices and technical services, the Maryland Green Registry is a free, voluntary program helping businesses of all types and sizes set and meet their sustainability goals.

Members agree to share at least five environmental practices and one measurable result while remaining dedicated to continually improving their environmental performance.

Among other initiatives, CBMM is recognized for its single-use plastic free initiative, along with participation in community environmental projects, single-stream recycling, water conservation, energy efficient practices, and stormwater management and site design.

“With a mission that includes preserving and exploring the environment of the entire Chesapeake Bay region, CBMM is very much committed to a strong, proactive approach to environmental management throughout our campus and entire operations,” said CBMM President Kristen Greenaway.

“CBMM’s leadership in the protection and conservation of Maryland’s natural resources is greatly appreciated,” commented Maryland Department of the Environment Sustainability Program and Maryland Green Registry Director Laura Armstrong. “They join a growing group of organizations working toward a sustainable Maryland through sound environmental practices.”

Collectively, Maryland Green Registry’s more than 500 members report saving more than $107 million annually through the practical measures shared in their online member profiles. More can be found at green.maryland.gov.

Every aspect of fulfilling CBMM’s mission is driven by the values of relevancy, authenticity, and stewardship, along with a commitment to providing engaging guest experiences and transformative educational programming, all while serving as a vital community partner. For more information, visit cbmm.org or call 410-745-2916.


~ Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum