February 23, 2025

United Way of Kent County Launching 2nd “Getting Ahead” Program

Chestertown, MD – United Way of Kent County and the Kent Family Center are seeking partners to assist in launching a second round of the “Getting Ahead in a Just-Getting-By World” model to help Kent County residents living in poverty tackle issues related to their finances, job prospects, and support networks. This follows an extremely successful implementation of the Getting Ahead program with residents of Baywood Village last fall. Getting Ahead is an evidence-based program that helps people living in poverty identify some of the issues they face and work toward solutions.

Linda Kohler, Chesapeake Charities Executive Director said, “We knew other communities had achieved good results with the “Getting Ahead” program, but the progress made by the group at Baywood Village amazed us. Over a 16-week period, they formed a truly cohesive network of support for one another and tackled some pretty daunting challenges. It goes to show that everyone can succeed if they are given the tools to solve their problems, and support from others who believe in the process.”

Last February, Chesapeake Charities completed a comprehensive needs assessment for United Way of Kent County which identified the most critical unmet needs in Kent County. Multi-generational poverty was identified as a key concern and a persistent threat to families at the lower end of the economic ladder. Determined to use its resources for the greatest good, the United Way provided seed funding for the Getting Ahead initiative, with help from Community Mediation of the Upper Shore, the Samaritan Group, and the Good Neighbor Fund.

Since the results of that first effort were overwhelmingly positive, United Way is seeking community support to launch a second round of the Getting Ahead model. Community members interested in participating are invited to attend the planning session on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. at the Kent Family Center, 115 S. Lynchburg Street, Suite B, in Chestertown. For more information about this discussion, please contact Chesapeake Charities at info@chesapeakecharities.org or call (410) 643-4020, or visit www.chesapeakecharities.org.

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Chesapeake Charities, a community foundation located in Stevensville, Maryland, supports a wide range of charitable causes including arts, education, health and human services, animal welfare, and the environment. All of its 92 component funds have a common cause – a passion for making a difference in their communities. Chesapeake Charities serves organizations in eight counties: Anne Arundel, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot. They have invested more than $14 million in the Chesapeake Bay region since 2005.Chesapeake Charities is accredited by the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.