January 22, 2025

The 2040 Maryland Transportation Plan is now available

The Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP) is updated every five years through extensive consultation and coordination with state, regional and local government partners and outreach to Maryland’s citizens. The perspective of our transportation customers has been critical in shaping the final 2040 MTP: Connecting You to Life’s Opportunities , along with the companion 2040 Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, or you can visit the Maryland Transportation Plan website.

The 2040 MTP includes highlights of Maryland’s transportation trends, key challenges and opportunities, and high-level transportation needs and revenues over the next twenty years. It outlines goals and objectives and provides highlights of major accomplishments since the last Plan. The 2040 MTP identifies strategies for implementing the long-range plan, as well as illustrative projects in each of the five Maryland regions, and ultimately identifies performance measures to illustrate how well we implement the Plan.

The MTP is part of the annual State Report on Transportation which can be found, along with the Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP), or 6-year capital budget, and the Attainment Report (AR) on Transportation System Performance, at www.ctp.maryland.gov.

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~ Maryland Department of Transportation