February 23, 2025

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore New Image, New Potential

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore logo

Local nonprofit, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore, Inc. (BBBSES), radically updated their branding as they rang in the new year. For many years, BBBSES has been recognized by their abstract purple colors and stick figures holding hands, forming a heart. But as an overwhelming shortage of new mentors became apparent, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) recognized the call for fresh, new branding focused on the urgency of their mission.

BBBS, paired with Kansas City based Barkley Agency and with input from Littles across the country, designed a modern, energetic logo to attract mentors. The logo introduces the renewed energy of BBBS, with electric green and black intersecting lines, to form an uppercase “B” to symbolize the mentoring. The uppercase represents the mentor, or “Big”, in the relationship. The lowercase represents the child, or “Little”, who is mentored. The three lines represent the three parties required for a successful mentoring partnership – the Big and Little and the child’s family. All three are in alignment, igniting potential in the child. The colors – black, white and electric green, are vibrate, sparking energy in the new identity and program. The colors also bring focus to a need within the organization, which is the shortage of male mentors. BBBSES hopes to attract more male mentors to help ever-growing number of young boys searching for a strong male influence in their lives.

BBBSES and all Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates across the country rolled out this new logo. The new branding introduces a needed evolution from the messaging of saving children, to the powerful “Defender of Potential”. The agency answers the growing need to help children reach their potential, defending and igniting the strength that resides in each and every child.

“The logo tells our story,” says Robert McClure, Outreach Specialist, BBBSES. “It is representative of who we are as an organization, and what we seek to accomplish in the lives of young people on the Eastern Shore.”

Overall, the redesign is a powerful effort to reduce the number of children waiting for a mentor. BBBSES continues to deliver the same services, including mentoring, youth development and empowerment activities with a fresh new image.

If you are interested in volunteering or partnering with BBBSES, please call them at 410-543-2447, email at info@shorebiglittle.org, or visit them online at shorebiglittle.org.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore