February 23, 2025

Betterton Receives Community Development Block Grant

The Mayor and Council are pleased to announce that the Town of Betterton has received another grant. This grant is a Community Development Block Grant that fully funds the replacement of the Idlewhile Pump Station on Idlewhile Avenue. The new pump station will be installed in the next 3-6 months.

The town continues to move forward with the other projects as well. The new WWTP is up and running well. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be this spring. Information to follow.

The water tower will be painted and repaired this spring and new banners will be hung on the light poles. We are grateful to BCDC for their contribution toward the new banners.

The Wheeler Ave Reconstruction project is fully funded through CDBG and USDA and we hope to break ground in the coming months.

The Shoreline Erosion project is funded 75% through FEMA and 25% homeowner contribution and is currently undergoing engineering. We anticipate breaking ground on this project on Bayside in Spring 2020.

The overgrown slope by the Rigbie condos will have an access bench installed in late summer and be cleared and replanted this fall. This is being funded through Kent County, the Rigbie Condo Association, and an individual donor.

The town also has pending grant applications for stormwater management, restoration of the Rigbie steps, and a new Arbor themed playground at the Sixth Avenue Park. We should hear back form those grant sources in the coming months.

The Sustainable Communities plan is being updated and a survey will be sent to residents soon asking them to prioritize needs around town. We hope you will participate.

I am grateful for the support of the numerous agencies and volunteers that help to make this town move forward. It is exciting that we have been awarded $2.2 million in grant funding over the past year and we look forward to continuing these partnerships as we oversee the current projects and look toward the future.

Elizabeth Greenwell
Bettertoen Town Manager