February 23, 2025

Queenstown, MD – The University of Maryland Extension and College of Agriculture & Natural Resources will host an all-day workshop discussing recent research in fruit tree planting and management on Friday, February 22nd 2019 at the Wye Research and Education center, 124 Wye Narrows Drive in Queenstown.

Presentations will focus on why herbicides fail; soil-borne diseases in fruit orchards; drivers of honey bee losses; late season fruit rot control in Grapes; tree fruit disease management in a very wet year; performance of late-planted day-neutral strawberries in low-tunnels; basics of strawberry disease management; and more.

The cost to attend is $25.00 per person. Registration is available until Friday, February 15, 2019 and can be done online at https://2019fruitschool.eventbrite.com. For alternative registration methods or questions regarding registration, contact Stephanie Jackson with the Wye Research and Education Center at (410) 827-8056 or by email at sjacks@umd.edu.