February 23, 2025

Message from David Anderson Owner/Operator of The Granary Restaurant

Dear Granary Supporters, Friends and family.

It is with great sadness that we announce the closing of the Granary Restaurant as of December 23, 2018. It was a difficult decision but we have decided that is one that needed to happen.

We are saddened by the decision but the time has come to move on and spend much needed time with family. We appreciate the almost 6 years of support and look forward to spending the last holiday season on the Sassafras with you. Please, if you have gift cards, come in and use them since they will no longer be valid after we close on the 23rd.

This has been such an amazing experience to not only get to know so much of you on an intimate level as guests, co-workers, friends but this place changes you on so many levels in such a positive way. I (Dave) in particular will miss this so much. The Granary and the Sassafras river are such special places that I will forever hold in my heart. I wish this day would never come, but alas, it has. Please make it a point to come and enjoy what we have all created together at least one last time before the end. We can reminisce, laugh, cry, eat, drink and frankly just enjoy.

It is with a heavy heart I say “thanks for the memories! I for one will never forget them!”

David Anderson
The Granary Restaurant

Editor’s Note:
The Granary Restaurant is located 100 George Street, Georgetown, MD, along the Sassafras River.