February 23, 2025

MD State Fire Marshal Suggests Attending Public Fireworks Displays to Celebrate the New Years

With the arrival of the highly anticipated New Year, State Fire Marshal Brian S. Geraci is suggesting that the citizens of Maryland should attend public fireworks displays. “I would suggest the safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend one of the public fireworks displays offered throughout the state.” stated Geraci. To help the citizens enjoy a safer start to the New Year, the State Fire Marshal offers several ways to enjoy fireworks while avoiding injury:

Consider attending a professional public fireworks display instead of taking the chance on a potential injury from a private display. Leave fireworks to the professionals.

For those individuals who insist on the use of consumer fireworks:

– Purchase the fireworks in the location where you intend to discharge them. Check with the local municipality to determine what fireworks are considered legal for use in that area.
– Read and follow label warnings and instructions.
– Do not allow small children to use fireworks.
– Do not consume alcoholic beverages while using fireworks.
– Have a bucket of water or hose available
– Fully extinguish the remains of fireworks in water before disposal.

“Fireworks have been a long tradition of New Year’s celebrations. Please make safety your number one priority so everyone can enjoy the holiday season.” adds the State Fire Marshal. “By acting responsibly, we can help eliminate fireworks injuries and property damage in the great State of Maryland.”